About Us
Volontariato Torino (Vol.To ETS) is the Volunteer Support Centre of Turin, a leading non-profit organisation with 147 member organisations and a network of over 1400 associations, delivering services in compliance with the Italian Third Sector Law. Vol.To is one of the top five Volunteer Support Centres in Italy and it serves the Turin province area with more then 2 milion inhabitants.
Vol.To aims to qualify and support volunteers, helping them seize opportunities and pursue personalized development pathways. Through tailor-made learning initiatives, Vol.To empowers volunteers to meet current and future challenges
Services provided
Vol.To offers a wide range of services to support associations, including:
- Training on diverse topics such as capacity-building and digital skills
- Consultancy on legal, fiscal, and administrative matters
- Project planning and management
- Communication and visibility strategies
- Event organisation
Vol.To envisions a future where the values of volunteering – solidarity, inclusiveness, and social responsibility – become key drivers for tackling individual and collective challenges.
Budget & Staff
Vol.To manages an annual budget of 2,000,000 €, which is allocated to supporting volunteer initiatives, training, and project development. The organisation operates with a team of more than 20 people of professional staff/collaborators, including project managers, trainers, consultants and communication specialists. This skilled workforce allows Vol.To to efficiently deliver high-quality services and successfully implement complex, multi-stakeholder EU projects.
Key Figures & Targets
Network Reach:
- 147 affiliated organisations and 1,473 associations accredited to receive services from Volontariato Torino ETS across the Turin region.
- In 2023, Volontariato Torino ETS facilitated the involvement of 1,218 individuals who expressed interest in volunteering; 26,000 citizens participated in events organised by the associations supported by Vol.To (conferences, round tables, debates, events in the streets) and 6,000 directly took part in initiatives implemented by our Volunteer Support Centre
Experience in European Projects
- Over 8 years of direct engagement as a Eurodesk Local Point.
- Successfully implemented 10+ EU-funded projects (Erasmus+, Horizon, European Solidarity Corps ).
Training & Development Goals
- Training in 2023 of 1,689 volunteers or aspiring volunteers through courses organised by Vol.To on digital innovation, soft skills and community engagement.
- An amount, in 2023, of 1,324 hours of tailored and specialistic consultancy provided to 652 accredited organisations.
Target Partnerships for EU Projects
- Organisations focusing on social inclusion and innovation, digital skills development, youth engagement, active ageing, environmental protection, resilience, co-creation, emergency preparedness and sustainability.
- Partners aiming to create cross-border volunteer networks or co-develop volunteer training.
Upcoming Objectives (2024-2026)
- Expand the Vol.To training platform, reaching 1,000 additional volunteers and organizations by 2026.
- Increase participation in European cooperation by partnering in 5 new EU projects across various thematic fields (youth, environment, digital transition).
- Maximising the potential for collaboration between European networks (e.g. Europe Direct and EURES), starting from the Eurodesk network membership of Vol.To.